Land Acknowledgment

We, the members of Tut’Zanni Theatre Company, want to acknowledge that we are each privileged to live on, and to collectively gather on the traditional homeland to various groups of Indigenous people. 


It is clear that we have much to learn about the history of these many groups and tribal nations on whose land we live. Amongst the rich diversity of histories, languages, and cultures, many of these groups share experiences of stolen land, forced removal, discrimination, and genocide at the hand of colonizers.

We honor with gratitude the land we live on and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land, and to recognizing and honoring the Indigenous People who lived here before us.

We encourage you to identify the Indigenous people who have stewarded the land on which you reside (we found to be an extremely helpful tool), to spend some time learning about their history and culture, and to make a donation in support of Indigenous people. We have made donations to the American Indian College Fund.